Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What am I allowed to bring to my youth?
A: Youth may have these sealed items brought in from home:
1. Toothbrush and/or Toothpaste
2. Shampoo and Conditioner
3. Soap or Bodywash
4. Deodorant
5. Chap stick ( Carmex in a jar or Vaseline )
6. Paper (Loose leaf type only)
7. Stamps and Envelopes
8. Coats, Hats, and Gloves for winter months only.
9. Tennis Shoes (Only tennis shoes) Youth are not permitted to have more than one pair of tennis shoes at NCORC. If the parents bring in new shoes, the old pair must be taken home immediately.
These items are provided by NCORC to the youth, but additional may be brought in by parents.
All items must be given to staff (from parents) for search and approval. Once approved, youth will be given the item. If the item is not approved, it will be given to the parents to take back home.
Q: Can my youth send and receive mail?
A: Youth may send and receive mail from anyone (except adults or youth in other penal institutions, on probation or parole, or those restricted by the home court or NCORC) The original party must send all mail. Third party mail will be considered contraband and will not be accepted.
This mail will be filed in the youths chart until the youth is released.
Mail will be searched for contraband. Mail that is not a threat to the safety and security of the program, staff, residents, or public, will not be censured. If mail is censured, staff will document the action. Any mail containing contraband or questionable material will be given to the Director for action.
Outgoing mail is sent Monday thru Friday. All mail must be properly addressed (for both recipient and sender) or it will be returned to youth for corrections. Youth may send two letters per week free of charge.